Phone: (+371) 67314068
Cell phone: (+371) 29229425
Fax: (+371) 67314658

What is FORM for?


The FORM suggested by us is an attempt to communicate on-line with each future customer, to make a “bridge” between a customer and future executor. Our goal is to render aid with regard to electric power supply, energy conservation and electrical safety. The motto of our web page is “We explain you everything you want to know about electricity”.


These consultations are meant first of all for those, who do the repairs, are engaged in house-building or simply are planning to do this, for those, who have bought or are on the point of buying real estate and do not know, where do they start from, if there is no even an electric socket in their houses or offices, for those, who at least once have done this and do not want to spare their time for the problems, which should be settled by professionals, and of course for those, who only enter the Latvian construction market and are in need of a reliable partner.


According to the information you give us we are able to determine, what should be done: whether the project should be developed or the request for electric power increasing is to be made with Latvenergo, etc. Within three working days we shall reply to you, suggest further cooperation or advise you to turn to our colleagues.


We should notify in advance that most probably there would be no answer for such questions as “refrigerator of what type is of less power consumption” or “how to make an electric power meter rotate slower”. In the first case you will receive information in any shopping center, while in the second case, we are sorry, but our ways part.


We hope that our consultation will “put you on the right track”.


Thanking you in advance for filling in the form we should like to assure you that any information you will be kindly giving us will be treated by us as strictly confidential and will not be given to the third persons.


Please proceed with “Send Form”.


Thank you!

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